05 June, 2013

War between Japan and China?

The interesting issue happened to that Fishing/Lonely Island between Japan and Korea is now China is claiming it's ownership. China state about the ownership of Okinawa as well. What happened to Korea? They seemed to be stepped down from it.

Well, the US got way too much money debt on Japan and China. It could be a jubilee for the US to let these two countries fight. There was a news saying that Japan is taking care of the Japanese customers' foreign "tax heaven" bankings to be checked. Well, I must be listed even I got nothing to do with Japan except for the citizenship holding. This might be taking out the people who would be able to run away to another country in case of war. But why it came through Australia? Australia is famous of helping China instead of Japan. Military relationship is different from the business relationship. That is why China got army aiming against Japan even though it has many factories making Japanese products.
国 税庁のこれまでの分析では、シンガポールのほか、ケイマン諸島や英領バージン諸島、南太平洋のクック諸島に財産や会社を持っている日本人の氏名や住所が確 認できたということです。資料は大量にあり、今後、順次送られてくるということで、国税庁は詳しく分析して、脱税が疑われるケースなどがないか調査するこ とにしています。

According to the V2K perps, the Targeted Inividuals won't survive next year. I don't know how I can survive. I'm staying in safe places as much as possible. Well, the V2K perps said that the radiation health problem will be more serious among Japanese from next year and that is how they are able to make a fight. If Japanese know that they won't live long, they would simply accept to go with others who would help fighting or whatever.
Moments ago, Japan says it may fire warning shots and take other measures to keep foreign aircraft from violating its airspace in the latest verbal blast between Tokyo and Beijing that raises concerns that a dispute over hotly contested islands could spin out of control. (http://www.infowars.com/japan-warns-it-may-fire-on-chinese-aircraft-over-disputed-islands-china-retorts-there-will-be-no-second-shot/)
My guess about the result is that Japan will lose against China and Chinese/Koreans will take over Japan as the new ownership with Chinese. South Korea got no more land as well as the North. Russia may be interested in the Kiril Islands and maybe Hokkaido Island if it involves in the war. They would just kill Japanese who has no Korean or Chinese ancestors. The V2K perps say that they got Japanese cops trained in Korea and these Japanese V2K speakers are helping Chinese anyway. The radiation at Fukushima is enough threat even now. What about other nuke plants bombed? That's the end of Japan and probably the US. The wind and the ocean water run in certain directions, you know.

The V2K perps said that the people practicing Karate and other martial arts in Germany are more likely to become Targeted Individuals or arrested. The police state is the society that police only got power and let no one else has weapons or potentially strong in the combat.