03 September, 2007

I am a political asylum seeker in an European Country.

Will above statement makes you to donate something to me? I know some Targeted Individuals share their addresses or bank account. I am wondering that if I share my IBAN number on either my website or this blog will I get something to support my life as a refugee?
Opening a PayPal account sounds fine for donation purpose, too. I could use that money for paying Internet connection.

I have a saving account in the local bank in this country, and am already allowed to work as I have lived in this country for more than 3 months.

Currently, I am working on helping TIs and studying one of the official language of this country. My website is quite popular in Japan as well as my TI friend's. Everything what I am doing for helping TI is volunteer works. I am wondering that if I get some means of receiving funds for my volunteer work, it would make my life easier. Internet and living cost are quite high, and being “arbeitlos” will be an disadvantage in future. I was thinking to take on-line classes from this month but I postponed it till next Semester. There are bunch of on-line universities to finish my education. If what SJSU did on my educational record might work negative, I can share this website and my efforts to help the people oppressed as a part of my “Lebenslauf”.

Some stalkers try to criticize me for “political asylum” matter. I don't care how they take it. My case is definitely a political issue because I became a victim in the United States as anthropologists and hospital workers done MKSEARCH like experiment on me. If CIA and DOD worked for MKULTRA, I was followed by DOD and met CIA agent(s) at El Camino Hospital. Dr. Englis-Lueck's daughter is an anthropologist expert in Japanese culture. Many anthropologists including the one I met in the hospital work for CIA. I believe this is enough to say that going back to Japan is a dangerous situation just like visiting the United States again in my life. I was illegally sent to a mental hospital and later was become a subject of being sent to a jail (by false testimonies of anthropology professors at Judicial Affairs office of SJSU). I have studied American culture enough – through anthropology and American Literature. I learned the names of CIA agents and secret agents as they contacted me. Americans should thank me not ran away to Iran or Cuba directory.