12 September, 2007

Manchurian Candidate Study has done!

I was wondering how some perps are capable of understanding the activities of the TI. First, I thought that it was because of some kind of lobotomy but it did not really made a sense to me. If it was a type of lobotomy, it must require the perps to take TI to certain environment like surgery room to do so. It could be highly risky to break into the TI's house to finish such surgery. If it takes surgery, the physicians must care about the sanitary of the environment. However, there is one way to finish a surgery that does not require the client to be in surgery room.
Endodonic surgery can be done in quite easy way. What the dentist has to do is keep an eye on the sanitary inside of the client's mouth. Here is a hypothesis of how to make perps into real Manchurian Candidates. They never know who they have to work and the result of their works. Remember the Watergate, the people broke into the place evidences were kept were “all CIA officers.” You can read the article about how they were caught on the web. Seriously, the octopus does not care a tiny portion of its tentacles.

1. Implant the receiver/transmitter of thoughts, speech, and brain wave functions into the target's molar. Preferably, the 3rd to 1st molars are the best, and on both side of the teeth for stabilization of the connection.

2. Take the track of the individual activities and the behaviors.
Use the techniques of psychology and neurology to give influence on the target's unconsciousness.

1. While the target is asleep, give him an artificial dream to think about the particular subject. For example, let him dream about a particular woman. Later, make him awake so that he can remember the dream and he will think about it. He might concludes that he feels intimacy on the woman or other factors why he watched her in his dream.

2. Speak to him using the voice similar to his internal voice and make some suggestions. When humans think, they use internal voice for that. If he hears the a matter using his internal voice, he could believe that was his own idea and might follow the decision. For instance, if he hears the voice, “Eating apples sound good,” he might include a bag of apples in his grocery list for that day. Some people might be used for gaslighting using “apples” and the TI in the grocery store might think he is also working for organized stalking.

3. If the target has a close relationship with TI, give him hypnosis to make him follow the direction of what the perps say. The oldest case was of that German wife before WWII. I cannot remember the name of the woman (Frau H. I guess..) She received hypnosis from a young man and she was used by him while she was under hypnotized. Because the man tried to lock her memory of their meetings, she could partially remember the incidents like the purchase of shoes. It took her awhile to remember the man's name and figure. During that era, intelligences were studying Manchurian Candidates. Over 50 years of contentious studies would be enough for shaping up the techniques.
4. Use the target under hypnosis to work on gang stalking or assassination of an important individual in the society. Remember JFK.

We have another type of Manchurian Candidate. The above type takes time and much effort to turn the one into the candidate. This another type is quite easy as the one can voluntary turned into the candidate. However, this type is more likely to be the disposable ones as they were filled with lies to participate in the activities.

1. Tell him through the implanted device in his teeth as if he was chosen by god or other purpose and give him what he supposed to do. To make the voice believable, the perps cause some environmental change in the target as if the voice said the collect thing or prophecy was right. After he believes in the voices, use him for whatever the purpose including a mass murder. (Remember the killer in Santa Cruz.)

2. Tell him to the device is only for secret agents or other secret societies. Then give him the order as he became a complete slave of the cult group he is a member.