28 September, 2007

Pictures of foods. (Someone stole my umbrella at McDonald's)

The below is what I posted to FEDAME. Convenience for retyping everything. Every time they try to mock me, they leave the evidences. I collect them, and spread it as I believe they are the organized terrorists on loose. Now, I can tell they did another pettis crime. I had filed stolen property twice at San Jose apartment. I was pickpocketted in Netherlands. Now what? They probably wanted to steal my new Geiger Counter I kept in my bag. I got it yesterday morning and brought it to the restaurant as I needed to ask the shipper about some specific question about pancake tube through email. Too bad, the kids could not know the difference of a black umbrella and a device in a black case. Because of me restudying physics to use the device for my own protection, the organized stalkers now want to claim me for creating a nuclear threat. Easy guess for people working with their small brains. Then, how can they claim me playing with microwave monitor and its related textbooks? I believe that is something the TIs must know and to find a way to protect themselves. With a college level free e-textbook, smart people know its limitation of knowledge in it. If they want to claim studying physics is a threat for the national security, then they should ban the subject from the schools! The concept of nuclear physics is available in books, the problem of their claim will be that it is hard to create a test lab for the experiment. People do so after they enroll to a university and get access to the lab equipment. Reading physics books and playing with 'detectors' at a refugee center is something impossible for them to claim me playing with nuclear technology. I am just playing with the knowledge about the field.

I have been using Internet at an American-based fast restaurant blanch. So far, the organized stalkers are trying to keep me away from contacting with other victims and lawyers. Since last week, I started to focus on looking for a lawyer to discuss my case. I have sent brief summary of my case with FBI, CIA, DOD to some lawyers through emails. The day I was searching a lawyer in Internet, two kids showed up in the restaurant and started bullying on me. I turned on my digital camera and tried to get the conversation for the evidence. The below is the part of the kids' bullying I uploaded to YouTube. The last one shows the kid's foot on my table next to my note PC. (Isn't it enough to call a 'threatening'?) While the kids were bullying, there were only two customers in the first floor; a middle-age male and a small girl. They talked with the kids in German and both kids and the girl played in the kid's area for a short time. Moreover, one of the female clerk at the restaurant talked with the kids when she showed up on the floor, and it was before they started to kick my bags or tried to harass me by sitting next to me. The two kids kicked my bag and about 3pm they left. Later, there were customers came – all wore black Ts like what I wore. The picture is available at my blog of the day after the incident.

I am sharing these videos as I had a property damage. I have a longer version of the film which I haven't uploaded.


Next day, some people who live in the heim where I live visited the restaurant, while I was uploading the above files to YouTube for sharing the evidence.
Two days ago, I saw many teens were having lunch near me. Three teens walked in when I was entering the restaurant and the waited behind me at the casher. After I settled down on the first floor, they came and sat right side of my table. We had some distance as their seat is not directly next to mine. One of the girl was playing with her lighter for many occasions.

Yesterday, while I was eating my lunch there, I saw one Asian woman sat two seats away from me to the left. Then while I was contacting with other victims, a mid-age woman and kids came and they sat the table next to mine. About few minutes they were there, they suddenly changed their table to the right side corner, far away from my seat. I did not mention about them as they seemed one of the stalker group trying to sit either near me or in front of me to claim me to be pedophilia. I was going to leave the place. When I went down to the ground floor, I remembered about my umbrella. I returned to the first floor and my umbrella was not there. I was sure that I brought my umbrella to the restaurant as I had some trouble holding the meal tray at the casher by holding my umbrella on my hand. Well, last time the stalkers lobbed was in the metro at Netherlands.

This is part of my experience living as a refugee. The good news is that Californian lawyers responded me that they seemed not to argue about my evidences but the problem of 'time limits for lawsuit' and 'must get contacted inside of the state.' The law firm said that it is a part of economic and business matter. Probably it is about how to help a ex-foreign student became a refuge in another country because of the US agencies. I don't know much about MKULTRA victims who want to settle lawsuit decades later. If what happened was lobotomy, I think now I have a better understanding of what happened and why so many people are really working on putting me down. Also, getting some crucial evidences like above films in American restaurant seem a good one for future lawsuit in where I live. There should be no limit for lawsuit nor have I the problem of settling one in the Kanton if it is necessary for this kind of hate crime.
Everytime they tried to persuade me not try what I think right, I did what I belived right. That helped me for survival. I was not killed like the politicians in Japan.